With a crown at its top the pomegranate is one of the most beautiful and majestic fruits from the 7 species. The fruit is the definition of eternal life and righteousness. This fruit makes me think about the contrast between its glory and how it relates to our Mitzvot. It's said that a pomegranate has 613 seeds inside of it which is the same amount of commandments written inside the Torah. This Spiritually divine fruit has a lot of honor and comes with a lot of responsibility.
"A land of wheat, barely and vines, of fig trees and the Pomegranate; a land of olive trees and honey".
Square matzah plate with central design , Hammered silver-colored metal, painted in colors, cold enamel coating with the word "Matzah" in Hebrew.
Can be purchased together with Pesach (Passover) seder plate to make a beautiful set.
Dimensions: Width- 23X23 cm, Height- 4 cm, Weight- 1530 gr.